
Systemisches Coaching in Berlin

100% focus and empathy for your personal development goal

In individual coaching sessions, I focus entirely on your personal goals. The process is fully tailored to your individual topic. Unlike traditional consulting, my role as a coach is to create space and guide you through conversations using questions and methods that enable new perspectives and insights. Together, we’ll take a holistic view of the context surrounding your situation.


As unique as you are: We begin by clarifying the specific focus of your coaching journey. When coaching occurs within companies, it typically focuses on you as a professional. However, the boundaries between different life areas are fluid, and coaching can equally address various topics from your personal context.

Some Examples

Bringing “Balance” to our lives is demanding. In an increasingly fast-paced world, we juggle different life domains and external expectations. As a consequence, we often lose touch with our inner compass: What do I stand for? What matters to me? How do I integrate these values and needs into my actions?

Finding Balance

Our lives are shaped by periods of transition and reorientation: A new job or career direction, relocating to a different city, starting or ending relationships, or stepping into leadership – successfully navigating change requires a clear vision forward and awareness of our past resources: Where am I headed? What strengths do I bring to the table? How do I master the next step?

Erfolgreich durchstarten

When people interact, individual perceptions, expectations, and desires meet. This requires choosing appropriate behaviors, resolving conflicts constructively, and recognizing our own influence on the systems we operate in. This influence is greater than we often realize. But how do I shape my role and behavior? How do I handle conflicts? How do I consciously choose my style?

Beziehungen gestalten

Our values, experiences, and inner beliefs shape our attitude. We maintain an ongoing dialogue with these inner voices. Especially when these voices hinder us in daily life or new endeavors, it helps to understand their background and open new perspectives. What aspects do I carry within? What positive intentions do these inner voices have? And what about them is ready to change?

Innere Klarheit schaffen


In a complimentary initial consultation, we’ll discuss the background, framework, and terms for coaching. We’ll also take a first look at your potential concerns and I’ll asnwer any questions about the coaching process. This allows you to decide whether and with which specific concern you’d like to begin the coaching journey with me. Initial consultations typically take place virtually.

The actual coaching consists of sessions, usually lasting 90 minutes each. Sessions can be conducted in person or online. In our first session, we’ll clarify your exact concern and associated coaching objectives. This is crucial for me to provide targeted support and guidance throughout the process. The number and structure of sessions depend entirely on your individual needs, and we’ll only schedule as many sessions as necessary for your specific situation. Sometimes, a single session is sufficient for you to discover new perspectives and potential solutions regarding your concern.

If coaching is initiated by a third party (e.g., your supervisor or company) or funded by them, it’s essential to clarify objectives and parameters in this three-way relationship at the start. The actual coaching sessions remain strictly confidential, and nothing discussed leaves this protected space without your consent.