How to Overcome the Storming Phase?

Is your team right in the middle of the storming phase? Things getting pretty rough? Is your initial polite getting-to-know-each-other phase over? Do you feel like there’s quite a bit dividing you?

Congratulations! Because storming is part of the process!

You’re currently laying the foundation for your successful collaboration as a team. Together, you’re exploring what will guide you in the future. And you’re learning how to bridge different perspectives.

You can’t skip this phase. But you can make it as smooth and constructive as possible! So don’t sweep your issues under the rug! Start embracing the storming and norming today …

How can you overcome the storming phase?

  • Make conflicts discussable

    Create dedicated spaces in your daily routine where you can address conflicts. Ensure a trustworthy, undisturbed environment. Don’t see conflicts as problems. They’re already the first step toward a solution! Stay calm. And make conflict resolution your natural team routine.

  • Find an open way of communicating

    Be open with each other so issues come to light early. Establish how to give feedback without it becoming hurtful.

  • Separate facts from feelings

    Address issues before they become personal. You’re debating the matter at hand. Hold back on personal judgments and attributions. And remain mindful of yourselves.

  • Don’t expect an objective “right”

    We all have different perceptions of reality. And we bring very personal experiences from the past. Hence, search together for what uniquely fits your team.

  • Look at the needs behind your positions

    Only half the truth is visible above the waterline. Deep below lie the needs, values, thoughts, and attitudes that drive our actions. When two icebergs collide, that’s usually where they hit. So take the dive together and explore what needs are facing each other.

  • Formulate wishes forward

    Stirring up the past won’t change the future. And pointing fingers has rarely solved any conflict. So don’t formulate criticism about “yesterday,” but your wishes moving forward.

  • Take emotions as indicators

    Where there’s passion, there are emotions. Great! You’re in it with your heart. Still, when emotions arise in you, look at what’s driving you: Which of your own needs aren’t being met right now? What truly relates to the team? And what might you be bringing in from outside?

  • Recognize real objections

    You won’t be able to reach consensus everywhere. Stay honest as a team: When are you talking about “matters of taste” and when do you have real “objections”? Where are truly substantial consequences threatening?

  • Keep your shared goal in sight

    You’ve come together to achieve something great. Keep this goal in front of you. Make it visible! Make it concrete! Have this goal before you every day! And create a picture of how your collaboration should feel in the future.

  • Maintain appreciation for each other

    Don’t let conflicts take over. Tell each other what you appreciate! Mirror strengths and resources. As Virginia Satir said: It’s the similarities that bring you together. And it’s the differences that help you grow as a team.

  • Get support

    No pro without a coach. Get professional guidance to help you shine your full potential. Support pays off.

I’ll accompany you on your journey to becoming a team

As a systemic team developer and team coach, I provide you with valuable approaches and methods to achieve exactly the collaboration you desire in the best possible way. Ready for the first step? Let’s look together at what your team needs right now. Schedule your free initial consultation today! I’m looking forward to meeting you!